Riley Gualtieri-Reed

Account Manager, Utility Solar

Years as a Camper:

Years as a Staff Member: 4

Did you hold any positions? Environmental Discovery Chief, Events Coordinator

Current Profession and Title/Years in role: 

Account Manager, Utility Solar- 5 years

Can you provide a brief overview of your job responsibilities?

I'm the primary contact for all utility solar customers who utilize my team for general upkeep of their solar sites, and maintain strategic partnerships/growth opportunities for my division. 

Do you have any career advice for members of the Camp community?

Don't feel like you have to stick with any one career path- it's never too late to change direction.

What do you believe have been some of your greatest personal and professional accomplishments? Is there a goal toward which you are currently working?

In all honesty, figuring out a way to achieve balance in my life; having a career that I pride myself in being a part of (renewables), while also being able to work remotely and have close acess to nature (and skiing).

What is a lesson or skill that you have taken from Camp and used in your personal or professional life?

The leadership abilities and communication skills I learned at Camp allowed me to excel in any job I've held. 

How do the values or skills you learned at Camp show up in your everyday work and/or personal life?

Teamwork is by far the biggest skill from Camp that I've been able to take into my professional career. It's a constant in any job, and those years I spent at Camp allowed me to truly work on how to apply that. 

Is there a person or a situation that had a huge influence on you while you were at Camp? How and why did they/it impact you?

Being able to come back every year as a camper and then a counselor. Also, being apart of an ever-growing community with an bond that you can't find anywhere else.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Trust yourself.

What three words best describe you?

Outgoing, resourceful and reliable

What is your favorite camp memory?

When I was a counselor in Lower Lake, my sister, who was a counselor in the Butterflies, and my brother, who was a camper that week, all wrote a skit together. 

Riley GR