Jonas Lodholz

Fellows Program Participant

How long have you worked at Camp? Were you a camper and/or counselor before?

I worked at camp for four Summers as both a counselor and a member of Ad Staff. I served as the Lower Lake Unit Leader for one summer and Head Counselor for two summers. Before then, I participated in Kanata’s wonderful trainee program and was a camper myself for seven straight Summers! 

Favorite Camp memory?

I’m split between two choice for my favorite camp memory. During the Summer of 2020, my first year on staff, many of the staff members in my generation weren’t able to have a traditional High School graduation due to the pandemic. Other members of staff decided to organize an impromptu graduation ceremony for us down at the water front where we received Camp Kanata cookies as diplomas and jumped in the lake with our caps and gowns! My other favorite memories consist of throwing dance parties in Cabin 15 with my Lower Lake campers during my time as a counselor and getting to let loose and be silly! 

Where were you born?

I was born in Fuquay, North Carolina!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was a kid I wanted to be a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals when I grew up! 


What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in life?

The most important thing I’ve learned in life is how important it is to appreciate where you currently are. We can often get too consumed with thinking about what our next step is, we forget to take in what’s truly great about the place we’re in right now. I hope I can continue to appreciate each stage in my journey moving forward. 

What’s your favorite thing/hobby and why?

I love to play disc golf and go skiing! I love getting outside in nature, especially when I get to enjoy quality time with great friends. These two hobbies allow me to do just that!

