Communications Director
Vista! My name is Julia Collins, and I am the Communications Director here at Camp Kanata. I am from Raleigh and went to NC State University (go pack) where I graduated in May 2023 with a Degree in Political Science and a minor in Journalism. I first came to Camp in 2011 as a camper and loved it so much I stuck around until 2016. After I aged out of overnight camp, I participated in the two-year Trainee Program and eventually was a counselor in Cabin 16 in 2019. During 2020, I worked as a Day Camp Counselor and then joined the Administrative Staff team in 2021 as the Training Coordinator where I got to train so many amazing CITs to be lifeguards! In the summer of 2022 and 2023 I served as one of the programs coordinators where I facilitated all things activities and evening programs! I am super excited to step into this role, and I am excited to continue working at Camp!
Favorite Camp Food:
This might be an unpopular opinion... but I love Unit Night Hot Dogs!
Favorite Camp Memory:
One of my favorite Camp memories was when I was a Counselor. It was one of those days where the rain wouldn’t stop so we had to get creative. We decided to have a “movie day” and instead of watching movies, we directed and acted out what we thought popular movies were about. It was so fun!
Favorite Place at Camp:
My favorite place at Camp is the Pasture, but specifically after an Evening Program when the sun is setting. As the Programs Coordinator, I loved having an Evening Program up there and then watching the sun set as we were cleaning up. It was usually pretty quiet up there, and it was a time I would use to re-center myself. It is the most beautiful place to watch the sunset at Camp!
Favorite thing about Camp:
I think my favorite thing about Camp is the friendships, relationships and bonds I have made with people. Most of my closest friends I have, I met through Camp. There isn't another place out there that allows you to form bonds like Camp Kanata!
Hobby of Yours:
I am a huge sports fan, but specifically basketball! To be even more specific, NC State basketball (Go Pack!) In college, I even went so far as to plan my entire schedule around basketball season making sure I was always at home games or always home in time to watch away games on TV. I started following NC State football more when I was a student, but nothing will ever compare to basketball season! Even now, I still make sure to plan around the games, so I don't miss one!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an environmental lawyer or work for the EPA.