Associate Director of Camper Life
Where are you from? I was born and raised in Downingtown Pennsylvania which is about an hour outside of Philadelphia. I moved down to North Carolina about 2 years ago.
College Attended: I attended Kutztown University for my undergrad degree and went to West Chester University for grad school. Both my undergrad and graduate degrees are in social work.
What is your camp history: I have worked at Kanata for 2 summers now, but just recently joined the full-time team!
Favorite Camp Food: I love a good unit night hotdog and s’more combo but taco night is a close second!
Favorite Camp Memory: My favorite memory was when I got to experiences and feel the camp magic during my first ever closing campfire. It truly is something I’ll never forget.
Favorite Place at Camp: I love getting to be up by the pasture and watching the sunset.
Hobby of Yours: rugby, reading and yoga
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a K9 officer on a bomb detection team.